These unconventional fruits provide countless health benefits, and I have to say, they are all delicious too!
Don't be shy of these bizarre foods :)

Benefits: Low in calories, contain no saturated fats or cholesterol, but rich in dietary fiber which can be very important for individuals who are concerned about their excess body weight. Like citrus fruits, they are an excellent source of vitamin C; providing 119% of daily recommended value of vitamin C per 100 g. Consumption of foods rich in vitamin C helps body develop resistance against infectious agents and scavenge harmful, pro-inflammatory free radicals. Very good source of B-complex vitamins such as thiamin, niacin and folates. These vitamins are essential since they function by acting as co-factors to help body metabolize carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Also contains a very good amount of minerals like potassium and copper. Potassium in an important component of cell and body fluids helps control heart rate and blood pressure; thus offers protection against stroke and coronary heart diseases. Copper is required in the production of red blood cells.
Try: Seltzer water, splash of pomegranate juice, and 2 fresh peeled lychee - over ice
Benefit: The nutritional highlight of papaya is a proteolytic enzyme called papain which is an excellent aid to digestion. This enzyme is so powerful that it is said to digest an amazing 200 times its own weight in protein. It assists our body's own enzymes in assimilating the maximum nutritional value from the food we eat. It is a rich source of anti-oxidant nutrients such as beta-carotene (which is what gives it the orange color; green papaya does not contain this carotene), vitamin A and C and flavonoids, B vitamins, folate and pantothenic acid.
Try: Oatmeal with fresh sliced papaya for breakfast
Acai Berries
Benefits: Acai’s high antioxidant levels not only slow the aging process, but may also prevent metabolic diseases from occurring. Acai berries are an important source of resveratrol and anthocyanins. Resveratrol and anthocyanins are substances found in red grapes and red wine, and can extend your life. Many believe resveratrol and anthocyanins in red wine are why the French have a low incidence of coronary disease, despite having a diet rich in saturated fats. Another nutritional benefit of acai berries are their high protein levels. Usually foods high in protein have high levels of unhealthy cholesterol, but acai berries do not. This means acai berries are a great way to lower your cholesterol while getting your required amount of protein. They also offer a rich source of glucosamine. For years, arthritis sufferers have known that glucosamine helps ease the pain of their osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis.
Try: Acai berry, blueberry smoothie
Ingredients:1 cup unsweetened almond milk, 1 cup fresh squeezed orange juice, ½ cup fresh blueberries, ½ cup frozen blueberries, ½ cup frozen pineapple, ½ cup fresh apple, chopped, 1 (3.5) oz packet unsweetened frozen acai, Handful of fresh baby spinach, 1 tbsp flaxseed---Blend
Benefits: Juice of raw and immature guavas or decoction of guava-leaves is very helpful in giving relief in cough and cold by loosening cough, reducing mucus, disinfecting the respiratory tract, throat and
lungs and inhibiting microbial activity due to its astringent properties.
Further, other nutrients in guava, such as vitamin-C, Carotenoids and potassium strengthens and tones up the digestive system and disinfect it. Guava, being very rich in fiber and hypoglycemic in nature, also helps reduce blood pressure.
Try: Adding sliced guava to a traditional fruit salad