As the winter months come to an anticipated end, lots must be accomplished in the beauty department. Harsh temperatures can have damaging effects on your hair, so quick-fixes are much needed. Here are a few solutions for dry life-less hair:
Adding Volume
Solution: In a bowl, mix one egg yolk, a half cup of honey, two tablespoons of olive oil, and two small, ripe avocados. Apply the concoction to the entire head and leave on for one to two hours, until hard. Shampoo and condition as usual. This is a miracle cure according to Elle magazine's beauty department!
Boosting Shine
Solution: Dull, overstyled hair benefits from regular olive- or jojoba-oil masks. Starting at the roots, brush a quarter cup of jojoba oil through dry hair and leave it on for an hour. Blast the ends with a dryer for five minutes to help oil penetrate deeper. Skip the roots — the scalp emits enough warmth on its own, and applying extra heat could lead to greasy textures later.
Dry Scalp Solution
Problem: Dry, moisture-sapped skin surrounding hair follicles.
Symptoms: Tight-feeling or itchy scalp when the humidity drops; small flakes of dry skin that land on the shoulders.
Treatment: Mix 10 drops of a moisturizing pure essential oil such as lavender or sandalwood with 1 ounce of sweet almond or jojoba oil. For sensitive scalps, use straight jojoba oil. Massage for 5 minutes before showering.
Thinning Hair Solution
Incorporate vitamins into your diet.
Protein Strengthens Hair: Iron-rich protein builds strong keratin, the outer layer of hair and scalp. Without it, hair grows more slowly and becomes weak and brittle. Eat lean meat, fish, low-fat cheese, egg whites, spinach, and soy.
Vitamin C Builds Collagen: Collagen supports hair follicles and keeps blood vessels in the scalp healthy. Vitamin C also helps you absorb iron from plant proteins. Try soy yogurt with an orange; a cup of strawberries; or a cup of steamed spinach with chopped tomatoes.
Silica Promotes Growth: Silica, a nutrient found in oats, rice, cucumbers, asparagus, cabbage, and sunflower seeds, supports growth of hair and nails. You can also take it as a homeopathic remedy, says naturopathic physician Lucille.
Biotin Improves Texture: This essential B vitamin, found in salmon, carrots, egg yolks, and sardines, helps form keratin, the protein that strengthens hair, improves texture, and stimulates growth.
Regular Meals Fortify Follicles: Food energizes the body and boosts hair follicle activity; snacking on grains, fruits, and veggies between meals helps!
Jojoba Oil
Jojoba oil, as you can see, is the best kept secret for curing damaged hair.
It may be the most compatible natural oil for hair because of its similarity to the scalp's sebum and the ability to work for all hair types.
Jojoba oil is a common ingredient in many hair care products for a reason. Jojoba has many therapeutic properties that can protect hair health and improve damaged hair. The natural oil improves hair by both preventing moisture loss and balancing the production of the scalp's natural oil, sebum, to a healthy level. This means that jojoba will help a scalp produce the right amount of sebum to prevent dry or oily hair. (For more info visit this site!)
Try these quick-fixes and your wintery hair will turn into beautiful summery hair in no time!
Info via Elle Magazine and Natural Health Magazine
Loooooove the tips!
Will certainly try some of these tips-thanks for such an informative site Nikki !
My mum has good skin. So I just briefly took one of her SKII( to use, which I assume is a moisturizer. It's good man I tell you! She gave me a small bottle of eye cream before but the effects weren't that great and I stopped using. But my mum's moisturizer is good! I can feel it reacting once I applied it
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