Apr 26, 2011

Look Fabulous, Feel Fabulous

Ah, Spring is finally in the air. 
This means short shorts, teeny bikinis, oh and this little pest called cellulite. Cellulite is what looks like those not-so-cute dimples generally on your thighs and bottom area. It is most common in areas of fat deposits and is the result of the unevenness of this fatty tissue beneath the skin surface. Some people think that there is a miraculous cure for cellulite, using technology and medicinal techniques. Well, I hate to break it to you, but cellulite can only be controlled by y-o-u. 
This may seem hopeless to some who rely on medical treatments and surgeries for a quick fix. But there are more benefits to treating cellulite on your own than you think. 
Since cellulite is essentially fat, there are 2 easy cures. A healthy diet is number 1; not only to cure cellulite but also for your body's nutritional state. For a list of foods you should incorporate into your diet daily, click here. The less fat you have on your body, the less cellulite you'll have. So eat healthy!
Exercise is number 2, and this is also imperative for your body's maintenance and health. Losing pounds and strengthening muscles in your legs, thighs, buttocks and abdomen can improve the appearance of the dimpled skin. Because fat is exceptionally soft, it doesn't keep our skin taut like muscle does. It also takes up more space, so it bulges out. This is why working out and building muscle is key in the losing-cellulite process.The trick is working all your lower body muscles from every angle, reducing the underlying fat stores and replacing lost muscle tissue to give the area a taut, toned appearance throughout. 

Below is a video of an exercise you should incorporate into your workouts! And for some more exercise tips, click here

Eat healthy, feel healthy, be healthy.

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