Feb 27, 2011

The Situation Room

While I was driving the other day I had an epiphany. I’m not entirely sure whether the sunlight hit me in just the right way, or I had the perfect stage of dehydration, or my frustration with driving on the Merritt Parkway spawned such a great idea (that loud sound you hear is me patting myself on the back). Sorry I’ve yet to grasp the power of subtlety. Nevertheless, I thought this would be a good attempt to get people commenting on posts. So for now the aim is to make this post, “The Situation Room,” a weekly stalwart. Each week, we’ll post a new question, usually music related, but in reality it may be tangentially related to anything in the here and now of pop culture. This is a test, responses are required! Actually they’re not, but hopefully we’ll pique your interest just enough that you’ll decide to chime in with your opinion. Unlike my law school classes, all opinions are welcome here!

For this week, I thought we’d try something simple. Musically speaking, what is your guilty pleasure? What is that one artist, song, or album on your iPod or iTunes that makes you cringe when friends see, or you’d be embarrassed to admit you actually like. Even though I like me some JT, Amy Winehouse, Nelly Furtado, and think Toxic (yes that one) has an amazing beat, my answer was not obvious to anyone other than me. But, it was actually surprisingly easy: I have an addiction to the Presidents of the United States of America! No not Obama, Bush, or Taft, but the ones that wrote the American classics “Lump” and “Peaches.” I listen to them at least once a week. Everyone should have more Presidents in their lives. You can never listen to “Naked and Famous” enough! 

So please, offer up your guilty musical pleasure for anonymous judgment by everyone on the interwebs. And if you have suggestions for future installments of The Situation Room, please leave them in the comments.


Anonymous said...

Hi, love the post, my guilty pleasure is definitely snoop dogg. I know everyone loves him and all but I am a 26 yr old female with a child, I don't think I should be telling people I jam to snoop dogg!

Keep up the good work!

Nikki Forrest said...

Heyyyyy! That is awesome, don't be ashamed! Right now mine is justin beiber, I am almost 22 and have closet-beiber-fever. I win.

thanks for the comment!

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