Jan 12, 2011

Music Review: MRK Edition

New year, new music. Right? Wrong! Thanks to guest editor Mike Kennedy revealing his top 15 albums of the year, we are going to hear some of the old and the new up close and personal.  I will be posting 2 albums per week until we get to the big number one spot! Check it out:

By: Mike Kennedy

So this is the time of year when every blog, music site, newspaper and their mother compile “best of” lists. Since we’ve just entered 2011, these lists tend to focus on the best movies, music, and other interests of the past decade as well as the past year. I initially wanted to write a list of my favorite albums that came out in 2010, but similar lists have already been posted ad nauseum on every popular music site.  Since I’m very opinionated, self-interested, and don’t particularly like a good amount of albums released this year, I instead took a different route. So I’ve decided to get on my soapbox and tell you what I’m currently listening to. This list compiles the albums which have been my favorites to listen to this year and have gotten the most play on my itunes and in my car. Some were released in 2010, while others were released decades ago but I had only discovered them or finally decided to take a listen this past year.

If you want to stream these full albums for free, check them out on Grooveshark. And one further recommendation: TURN IT UP LOUD! Without further ado, here goes:

14)    TAB – TAB at the TAB (2010)

If you were reading this list and were wondering when I was going to include some of my jamband favorites, well here you go.  I know Phish, and Trey, have that divisive, love them or hate them reputation, but I hope those of you who enjoy great music will check this album out regardless. This is Trey’s own band, which is often the breeding ground for many of Phish’s songs over the years. The band includes a horn section and back-up singers that fill out the sound. The album includes amazingly danceable grooves, powerful horns, and introspective lyrics from Anastasio himself. Check out “Valentine,” “Show of Life” and “Money, Love and Change.”

15)    Warren Zevon – The Wind (2003)

The last album on my list comes from the very underrated American artist Warren Zevon. While Zevon is well known for his songs “Werewolves of London” and “Lawyers, Guns and Money,” his last album should be the most memorable. At the time of recording The Wind, Zevon knew he was dying of cancer, specifically mesothelioma. For this last album Zevon enlisted his friends, including appearances by Bruce Sprinsteen, Don Henley, Jackson Browne, Timothy B. Schmit, Joe Walsh, David Lindley, Billy Bob Thornton, Emmylou Harris, Tom Petty, Dwighty Yoakam, and many others. The album simply provides another reflection on Zevon’s raw take on American rock n’ roll. Zevon also gives his audience a clear understanding of his emotions in the classic “Keep Me in Your Heart for a While.” The lyrics are unforgettable, and this album should be as well.

(one of my personal favorites, not on this album)

Stay tuned for 12-13, and again special thanks to Mike for his awesome music reviews! If these albums don't get you groovin', I don't know what will.

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